On April 18, 2018, the Stadtwerketag of the Grüner Strom Label e.V. will take place for the second time. For one afternoon in Regensburg, representatives of regional municipal utilities and energy suppliers, citizen energy cooperatives and energy service providers will discuss renewable energy topics and projects from a regional perspective.
Focal points of this year's event are:
- E-mobility: From corporate strategy to marketable products
- Digitization: Between blockchain, virtual power plants and peer-to-peer electricity trading
- Helping to shape the energy transition: White label solutions for regional municipal utilities
- Post-EEG: Future business model for regional energy suppliers?
In the evening there will be a get-together for informal exchange.
The 1st Stadtwerketag was aimed at representatives of the energy industry such as (regional) energy suppliers, citizen energy cooperatives or energy service providers.
Program and registration you will find here.
The organizer is Grüner Strom Label e.V., the host and cooperation partner is REWAG. The VKU Bavarian regional group could be won as a further cooperation partner.
The second Stadtwerketag follows on from the successful event concept from the previous year: On April 27, 2017, the Stadtwerketag of Grüner Strom Label e.V. took place in Constance for the first time. The energy cube of the Stadtwerke Konstanz offered enough space for the almost 30 interested people from the energy industry, who thus had the opportunity to spend an afternoon communicating about renewable energy topics. There were exciting presentations and time for free exchange.
The 2nd Stadtwerketag will take place on April 18 in Regensburg at REWAG in cooperation with VKU Landesgruppe Bayern.