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Stay up to date on green power, biogas and the energy transition with our regular newsletter Newsletter of the last months
Shaping the energy transition: Citizen energy, green electricity tariffs and everyday tips for 2025
Go with the GLOW: This new green electricity tariff from MARCLEY receives the Grüner Strom-Label / ViBE and the Bürgerenergie: Gemeinsam
Autumn tailwind for the energy transition
What's behind flexible electricity tariffs? / Noise protection, solar energy and inclusion in one project / For a coffee with Andrea /
hand in hand energy transition as a community task
Activity report 2023 - developments in the Green Electricity and Green Gas seals of approval / Association appeal: Energy in the hands of citizens / New
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On our channels we inform you about current news from the energy world and our NPO. Let's communicate with each other - but constructively: We want communication that informs, criticizes, delights, makes you smarter, points out problems and makes you think.
Switch to a certified green electricity tariff or biogas tariff now!
There are already several online comparison portals for electricity and gas rates. So what's the point of another one?
At the comparison portal of the environmental associations, consumers can compare high-quality and exclusively certified green electricity and biogas tariffs.
compare-yourself-green offers you the opportunity to actively participate in an energy transition that is environmentally friendly, decentralized, citizen-oriented, for the common good, fair and pollutant-free through your purchasing decisions.
Together for the energy turnaround
Your contact person
Melanie Alberts
Communication & Marketing