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Birthday celebration in Berlin: toasting 25 years of joint work for the energy transition

On August 29, 2023, members, label recipients, cooperation partners and the board of Grüner Strom Label e.V. gathered at EUREF CAMPUS in Berlin to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the association. This day was not only an anniversary, but also an opportunity to discuss and shape the energy transition of the future.

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The day began with an interactive workshop that focused on a crucial question: How can the investment commitment, which is the core criterion of the Green Electricity and Green Gas labels, effectively drive the energy transition of the future? This question was not only to be discussed theoretically, but to be enriched by concrete ideas and solutions.

The participants divided into groups and turned the workshop methde: Open Space to dive deep into various aspects of the energy transition. Topics such as the digitalization of the energy transition, future technologies of the energy transition, biogas plants and many more were lively discussed. It was impressive to see how creative minds came together to develop innovative approaches on how to make the energy transition even more effective.

In the evening, the day continued with a convivial get-together, where the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas and network over refreshing drinks and delicious food. The evening opened with a short birthday speech by Dietmar Oeliger, Chairman of Grüner Strom Label e.V.. In a humorous and moving speech, he recalled the beginnings of the association in 1998.

Some amusing events from this year, like in general the German championship of 1 FC. Kaiserslautern and more concretely the founding story of the Grüner Strom Label e.V. were mentioned with a smile. These entertaining anecdotes not only brought smiles to the faces of the guests, but also made clear how far the club has come since its foundation.

Dietmar Oeliger took the opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to the success of the association. He shared inspiring stories and milestones from the past years that illustrated the positive changes made possible by the Green Electricity and Green Gas Label.

The mood was exuberant, and past successes and future challenges were talked about during Aperol Spritz and other delicacies. It was a day full of inspiration, fellowship and optimism.

We would like to thank all participants, members, label holders, cooperation partners and the board of Grüner Strom Label e.V.. Your commitment and your passion are the drive for a sustainable future.

Here's to the next 25 years and beyond!

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Birthday celebration in Berlin: toasting 25 years of joint work for the energy transition

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Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

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Grünes Gas-Label

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Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

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Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

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Grünes Gas-Label

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Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

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Together for the energy turnaround

Your contact persons:inside

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Gruener-Strom employee-Nina

Nina Cernohorsky

Co-Head of Green Electricity Certification, Green Gas Certification Officer