Already since 2008, the NATURSTROM AG the Andheri project, since 2009 with funding from its green electricity-certified naturstrom tariff.
- Promotion: so far approx. 130.000 €
- Date of promotion: continuous since 2009
- Subject of the promotion: so far 1,500 PV systems á 85 Watt, lamps and batteries
- Destination: Promoting climate protection and renewable energy and improving the quality of life of people living in Bangladesh.
The systems consist of a solar module, lamp and battery and replace climate- and health-damaging kerosene lamps in rural villages that have no access to the power grid. Each solar home system supplies one to two families with electric light.
"The solar home systems not only save families high fuel costs, but also enable people to use the evening hours productively for themselves," explains NATURSTROM CEO Oliver Hummel. "The project thus combines the promotion of climate protection and renewable energies with effective help for self-help. For us as a sustainable energy supplier, this is the ideal combination, which is why we have been very happy to work with Andheri-Hilfe Bonn for years now."
Each solar system saves almost 600 kilos of CO2 annually compared to the still frequently used petroleum lamps. This climate protection effect is, from the point of view of NATURSTROM and Andheri Help enormously important - not least because poor and densely populated Bangladesh is particularly affected by climate change. In the villages of the project area, the situation is particularly critical. The villages in the Gaibandha district are located on alluvial islands that are regularly affected by flooding. People are finding it increasingly difficult to secure their livelihoods.
For Andheri-Hilfe Bonn, the most important thing is therefore that the solar systems noticeably improve living conditions on site. "Having enough light in the evening hours is not only important for family life, it creates new earning opportunities for adults and makes it easier for children to study for school," says Elvira Greiner, first chairwoman of Andheri-Hilfe Bonn e.V. "Petroleum lamps, on the other hand, make people sick and are expensive to maintain - that has to stop."
However, the cooperation between NATURSTROM and Andheri-Hilfe is far from over - it will continue beyond 2016.
NATURSTROM has been supporting the project since 2008 through its "Customers Recruit Customers" referral program, and since 2009 with additional funding from its green electricity-certified naturstrom tariff.