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Uneven competitive conditions on the German electricity market: Hidden follow-up costs of conventional energy sources are not reflected in the electricity price.
Uneven competitive conditions on the German electricity market: Hidden follow-up costs of conventional energy sources are not reflected in the electricity price.
Coal and nuclear power one and a half times more expensive than renewable energies / New study by the Forum for an Ecological-Social Market Economy reveals hidden consequential costs / Call for an end to subsidies for climate-damaging energy production

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The Forum Ökologisch-soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS) published a study in October 2017. It shows that conventional energy production causes hidden costs that are not taken into account in the electricity price. The green energy provider Greenpeace Energy, on whose behalf the study was commissioned, speaks of unequal treatment and fraud.

The study showed that the follow-up costs of fossil energy sources are one and a half times higher than the EEG differential costs. If the burdens on the state budget, tax breaks, financial aid, and the overall societal burdens in the context of environmental and health impacts from coal and nuclear power were taken into account, the calculated levy would be 11.5 cents per kilowatt hour in 2017. In comparison, the EEG levy is 6.35 cents per kilowatt hour.

However, the follow-up costs of conventional energy sources, which amounted to 38 billion euros in 2017, are paid for via taxes and levies, in contrast to the 24.5 billion euros in EEG costs. This creates an uneven playing field and justifies the study's call for a national minimum price for CO2 emissions and an end to subsidies for fossil fuels.

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Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

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Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

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Grünes Gas-Label

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Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

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Together for the energy turnaround

Your contact persons:inside

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Gruener-Strom employee-Nina

Nina Cernohorsky

Co-Head of Green Electricity Certification, Green Gas Certification Officer