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For a coffee with... Michelle - Management Consultant, Online Communication

We take a look behind the scenes of Grüner Strom Label e.V. in this series of interviews - exciting minds briefly interviewed over coffee

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Who are you and how long have you been part of the Grüner Strom Label e.V. team?

I'm Michelle, I live in Cologne and have been part of Grüner Strom Label e.V. since 2021. I studied economics in my bachelor's degree and specialized in sustainability management in my master's degree. I started at the association as a working student during my master's thesis and stayed on after graduating from university. I work from home with my hangover and in my free time you can usually find me at events in Cologne or Bonn, playing the piano or on the yoga mat. 😊

How did you decide to work for Grüner Strom Label e.V.?

I decided to work for Grüner Strom Label e.V. because I wanted a job with meaning. I share the association's conviction that renewable energies are shaping the future of energy supply and driving sustainable change. The wide range of tasks also appealed to me, as it offered me the chance to have varied working days and to keep learning new things.

What exactly do you do at Grüner Strom Label e.V. and what motivates you about your work?

I work in two areas at Grüner Strom Label e.V.. As a consultant for online communication, I design our communication via various channels, such as social media, newsletters, online events and the podcast 'Strom Aufwärts'. My aim is to communicate the importance of the energy transition and show how we can all contribute to it. Getting people excited about sustainable energy solutions really motivates me.

I am also a management consultant and responsible for tasks in personnel and office management as well as accounting. Due to the wide range of activities in both areas of work, it never gets boring. On the contrary: I find my work very motivating as I am part of an organization that is actively committed to the energy transition and combating climate change. Last but not least, my colleagues motivate me: I am surrounded by a very appreciative and innovative team!

In your opinion, which aspects of communicating the energy transition should be particularly important?

In my view, we should pay particular attention to these aspects when communicating the energy transition:

Firstly, the basis of any discussion should be well-researched and technically correct. Secondly, we need to really listen to each other. This means understanding each other's needs, including different perspectives and exchanging ideas respectfully. Thirdly, it is important to emphasize our shared values such as environmental protection and energy security. Basically, we are all pursuing the same goal.

And finally, we should always look at practical examples and learn from each other. That's why we prefer to demonstrate the benefits of the energy transition through success stories, such as energy transition projects that are supported by the investment commitment as part of our certifications. Just one example: a group of students in Berlin installed a solar system on their university library because they saw untapped potential for green solar power generation on the available roof space - I find that very inspiring!

That really is very inspiring. But you can also make a difference in everyday life with small hacks. What is your favorite energy-saving tip?

My favorite energy-saving tip is a life hack from one of our colleagues. To check whether windows and doors are sufficiently sealed, you can simply pull a piece of paper through the closed window or door (try to close it). If the paper can be pulled out easily, it should be repaired. If it is rather difficult to pull out or the sheet tears, everything is tight and you will save energy by reducing draughts.

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Grüner Strom Label e.V. | Kaiserstrasse 113 | 53113 Bonn | Germany
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For a coffee with... Michelle - Management Consultant, Online Communication

Welcome to the service portal

On this page you will find all the important documents about the Green Electricity and Green Gas Label.

Grüner Strom-Label

Here you can find all the documents about the Green Electricity Label.

Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

Green Gas Label

Here you can find all the documents about the Green Gas Label.

Grünes Gas-Label

Green electricity label

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Range 1

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Range 1

Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

Your contact person

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Range 1

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

Range 2

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The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

Green Gas Label

Links directly to the subsections:

Range 1

Range 1

Range 1

Range 1

Range 1

Range 1

Grünes Gas-Label

Your contact

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Range 1

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

Range 2

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

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catalog of criteria

The criteria catalog...

Together for the energy turnaround

Your contact persons:inside

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Gruener-Strom employee-Nina

Nina Cernohorsky

Co-Head of Green Electricity Certification, Green Gas Certification Officer