The funds were used to create an area for sand bees and an additional flowering meadow for wild bees. Both species are strictly protected. Visitors can get this and more information at the specially created nature information center. The center is not only used as a local recreation area, but also offers schools and kindergartens an extracurricular learning city. "A teaching area for young and old is being created here," says Bernd Bähre 1st association chairman of the Rühme Culture and Promotion Association. The entire area includes, in addition to the nature info center and the newly created areas for sand and wild bees, some insect hotels, a bee trail with two active beehives and a large meadow orchard with 90 fruit trees. "It is important to us to support regional projects and associations in particular," says Dr. Volker Lang, member of the BS|Energy Group's Board of Management.
Electricity products with added value
The Grüner Strom-Label obliges energy providers to spend a fixed amount per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed on nature conservation or energy transition projects. Green electricity-certified products lay a foundation for a successful energy transition, as this has already enabled more than 1,400 support projects with a volume of over 75 million euros to be realized.
Additional areas for sand and wild bees are created (Photo: BS|Energy)
The Nature Info Center provides visitors with all the important information they need (Photo: BS|Energy)