Green electricity is the most environmentally friendly solution that quickly contributes to emission reduction and enables decentralized energy supply. Through the funding amount, which is the core criterion of the Green Electricity certification, the Grüner Strom Label e.V. can promote the event series to achieve an even greater effect for the energy transition.
A large proportion of the people who are currently working for civic energy are men. The three-part workshop series "Women in the energy transition" now wants to expand the circle to include motivated women.
About the workshop series
The event series is aimed at women who are interested in climate justice and balcony photovoltaic modules and want to learn how they work. Installing balcony modules is a first step towards generating solar power at home and advancing the energy transition on a small scale. With balcony photovoltaic modules, tenants* and people with lower incomes can also obtain a portion of their energy consumption. They are visible and tangible on their own balcony, in the garden or the garage.
You will learn everything about balcony modules with a mutually supportive group of women and will be well equipped to share knowledge on this topic and to inspire other people for the energy transition. You will learn from the speakers Kerstin Lopau and Anna Schilling from SoLocal Energy Kassel everything important about balcony modules, how they work technically and how you can operate them in the smartest way. You will also get ideas and material on how to use balcony modules for direct actions, recruiting activists etc.
When are the workshops?
07.05.2022: Face-to-face workshop getting to know balcony modules (Magdeburg)
14.05.2022: Face-to-face workshop Getting to know balcony modules (Mainz)
28.05.2022: Face-to-face workshop Getting to know balcony modules (Kassel)
03.06.2022: Online workshop Balcony modules technical understanding and operation
10.06.2022: Online workshop Use balcony modules for public relations and actions
Participants can register for individual or all workshops. Here it goes to the Registration.