- Promotion: max. 12.120,24 Euro
- Timing of Funding: 2015/2016
- Object of Funding: Development of the practical platform Energiewende Jetzt with its five development phases: Research, technical preparation, bundling, communication and stabilization.
- Target: Dissemination of the experience knowledge of cooperatives, bundling of information about exemplary business models and innovative projects
The association Netzwerk Energiewende Jetzt is committed to a decentralized energy transition through citizen energy cooperatives. The ability to develop new business models and implement them economically is a key issue for the future of cooperatives.
Knowledge about innovations and new business models is currently only available in scattered form. For those responsible in energy cooperatives, this means a great deal of effort to obtain relevant information, evaluate it and use it for themselves. However, they do most of their work on a voluntary basis.
In the further development of cooperatives, it is therefore important to bundle and disseminate empirical knowledge about innovative approaches and business models. This is where the project Praxisplattform Energiegenossenschaften of Netzwerk Energiewende Jetzt comes in. An Internet platform can be used free of charge by energy cooperatives as a high-quality source of information. The goal is for this to lead to easier development of new business models.
The project includes research into current and promising business models as well as model projects. The examples are prepared in text form in a project mask and integrated into the web portal. www.energiegenossenschaften-gruenden.de integrated. This is supplemented, for example, by specialist articles on future topics (e.g., storage solutions) and links to expert contributions. Cooperative stakeholders are informed about the rollout via various channels. New examples will then be researched on an ongoing basis to supplement the practical platform.
Contact: Rainer Lange, Netzwerk Energiewende Jetzt e.V.; lange@netzwerk-energiewende-jetzt.de