Green Gas-certified products guarantee environmentally compatible biogas production along the entire production chain from the raw material to the end customer. The biogas is produced from biogenic residual materials, such as kitchen waste, green waste or waste from the organic waste garbage can. In the certification process, emphasis is also placed on regional processing of the feedstock to prevent long transport routes, reduce CO2-emissions and strengthen regional value creation.
,NaturEnergiePlus Biogas' of NaturEnergie+ Deutschland GmbH has been certified with the Grünes Gas-Label since 2016 and NATURSTROM AG has already been a pioneer in the field of environmentally friendly biogas with ,naturstrom Biogas 10 %, 20 %, 100 %' since the introduction of the biogas label of the environmental associations.
Just like the term green electricity, the term biogas is not protected by law. In order to provide consumers with orientation and transparency, the biogas label Green Gas was launched in 2013 by environmental and consumer associations. It is the only seal of approval for biogas in Germany that is supported and recommended by leading environmental associations.
With 'RhönGas ÖkoRegio' from RhönEnergie Fulda GmbH, as of January 1, 2019 another biogas tariff with the Grünes Gas-Label certified . In addition to the four green gas products available nationwide, 'RhönGas ÖkoRegio' is available in the region around Fulda. You can find a list of all certified biogas tariffs here.
If a provider wants to use the label, an independent institute checks whether the criteria are met. This expert control is carried out by DVGW CERT GmbH.