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100 charging stations with Green Electricity-certified green power at Kaufland

By 2019, Kaufland plans to provide 100 charging stations with Green Electricity-certified green power in its customer parking lots. (Photo: Kaufland)
By 2019, Kaufland plans to provide 100 charging stations with Green Electricity-certified green power in its customer parking lots. (Photo: Kaufland)
Kaufland customers will be able to charge their e-cars free of charge in the future / Around 100 fast-charging stations to be installed by early 2019

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Shopping in bulk in an environmentally friendly way by e-car will soon be possible at numerous Kaufland locations. Around 100 fast-charging stations are to be installed by the beginning of 2019. As early as mid-February 2018, more than 40 stations are already available to Kaufland customers and employees nationwide. With all standard connections, the charging stations each offer two customers at a time the opportunity to charge their e-cars free of charge. With a charging capacity of 50 kilowatts, customers are able to charge their electric cars up to 80 percent in 45 minutes.

The charging stations are operated exclusively with green electricity that has been awarded the Green Electricity Label. This ensures that driving an electric car is actually ecological. Green Electricity is the eco-electricity label of the environmental associations. In addition to BUND, NABU and EUROSOLAR, it is supported by four other organizations from civil society. It guarantees that green electricity comes 100 percent from renewable energy sources. In addition, for every kilowatt hour sold, energy providers must invest a subsidy in energy transition projects, such as photovoltaic, wind or educational projects. In this way, over 1,300 projects have been implemented in Germany to date and the energy transition has been demonstrably advanced.

With the publicly accessible charging stations, Kaufland is actively promoting a needs-based and user-friendly charging infrastructure and the expansion of e-mobility.

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100 charging stations with Green Electricity-certified green power at Kaufland

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Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

Green Gas Label

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Grünes Gas-Label

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Green electricity tariffs awarded with the Grüner Strom-Label guarantee investments in energy transition projects that are compatible with nature.

Your contact person

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

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Green Gas Label

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Grünes Gas-Label

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Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

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Range 2

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Together for the energy turnaround

Your contact persons:inside

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Gruener-Strom employee-Nina

Nina Cernohorsky

Co-Head of Green Electricity Certification, Green Gas Certification Officer