Gradually, the days are getting shorter again and autumn is knocking on the door - we can look back on exciting summer months.
July was marked by our "Climate Protection and Care" theme month. How these two areas fit together may not be immediately obvious, but in fact there are very good reasons to become active right here. In our podcast episode 4, Steffen Lembke (Head of Quality Management and Sustainability at AWO) summarizes these points.
With our Activity Report 2020, published in the summer, we are now putting our vision into a global context for the first time and placing our work in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. How can we summarize the association's work over the past year? In 2020, the sales figures for certified green electricity and biogas were higher than ever before.
In addition: After the successful start of this year's Energiewendeforum Digital, further exciting topics will now follow. Don't miss the online forum on 21.09.2021 on the topic of green hydrogen and on 29.09.2021 on the topic of mobility transition.
Enjoy reading and Listen!
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