Crisis-proof and future-proof - not every energy provider can claim that. Nevertheless, these characteristics are an important asset, especially in today's world. The residents of the small community of Flieden near Fulda thought so too and converted almost their entire power supply to renewable energies by purchasing green electricity with Grüner Strom-Label. This should effectively counteract climate change as well as reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The mayor of Flieden, Christian Henkel, emphasizes, "With this forward-looking decision, we are ensuring long-term more clean electricity in the grid and sustainably protect people and the environment." That's why they chose the "ÖkoRegio" electricity tariff from RhönEnergie Fulda. This has been awarded the Grüner Strom-Label of the leading environmental associations and thus sets high standards.
RhönEnergie Fulda is also pleased with the forward-looking attitude of the people of Flieden: "We are delighted that we have been able to gain another regional partner in the municipality of Flieden, so that together we can take a further step towards the energy turnaround and climate protection," says Martin Heun, spokesman for the management. "We stand for reliable energy supply, our ÖkoRegio tariff offers high-quality certified green electricity with added ecological value."
One criterion of the Grüner Strom-Label is that a fixed amount per kilowatt hour consumed invested in innovative renewable energy projects is. For example, RhönEnergie Fulda has already been able to implement several projects through its tariffs certified by Grüner Strom Label e.V. (Green Electricity Label).
One of them is the project "eCarSharing"A car-sharing service for companies and citizens operating in Fulda and the surrounding area. The project could sustainably improve people's mobility and advance the traffic turnaround. Besides it increases the quality of life of the region. Thus, the people of the Fulda region are also happy about the electricity consumption in Flieden.