"So(lar) we want to live!" - Energy transition at the Landau generation farm

Solar system on the roof of the Generationenhof Landau as part of the project "So(lar) we want to live!" (Photo: Landauer Wohnungsbau-Gemeinschaft)
Solar system on the roof of the Generationenhof Landau as part of the project "So(lar) we want to live!" (Photo: Landauer Wohnungsbau-Gemeinschaft)
The Generationenhof Landau started a solar project in spring 2021 and today has an installed solar system. The residents can largely supply themselves with electricity and make an important contribution to the energy transition. The solar project was supported by the funding program "SolidarSolar" with money from the Green Electricity Fund.

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In the summer of 2021, the Generationenhof Landau realized the solar project "So(lar) wollen wir leben!" and got a new solar plant on the two roofs of the apartment buildings. The system consists of 132 modules to generate 43,000 kilowatt hours of solar power, which should enable a self-sufficiency rate of over 70 percent. This project demonstrates how energy generation with value creation can work locally, entirely without the consumption of fossil fuels and the associated damage to the environment and climate. The solar plant was financed in part by the company's own funds, private lenders and subsidies from the Grüner Strom Label e.V. (Green Electricity Label).

The Generation Farm Landau

The Generationenhof Landau is a small cooperative created through civic engagement by the Landauer Wohnungsbau-Gemeinschaft (Lawoge eG). It is a project of people who value solidarity and live communally with many opportunities for meeting and activities. The goal is sustainable living in a "colorful" mix: older, younger, families, singles and single parents. With the construction of a solar plant, another building block for more ecological living was added.

Environmentally friendly, resource-saving and decentralized energy generation

In order to be able to consume as much electricity as possible itself, the cooperative is also investing in new storage technology in addition to the plant. Storage modules with the new redox flow technology were used, which are environmentally friendly storage systems that work without critical raw materials such as cobalt or lithium.
With this project, the residents not only make a valuable contribution to climate protection, but the solar system also pays off financially for them. Self-consumption reduces the costs for general electricity and thus also the ancillary costs per resident. By selling the electricity fed into the grid, the cooperative makes additional income that benefits the residential community. After an expected 16 years, the investment costs should have paid off through lower electricity bills and income from the feed-in tariff.

For the promotion of non-profit organizations in solar projects

Projects like this show the positive effects of using solar energy and bring the energy transition to the broader society. The Grüner Strom Label e.V. would like to continue to give charitable institutions and organizations the opportunity to implement their own energy transition projects. All information about the requirements for funding and the application process can be found at SolidarSolar 2.0

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"So(lar) we want to live!" - Energy transition at the Landau generation farm

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Together for the energy turnaround

Your contact persons:inside

Melina Lukas, employee of Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Melina Lukas

Management consultant, green electricity certification

Picture by Christian Knops, employee at Grüner Strom Label e.V.

Christian Knops

Head of Green Gas Certification, Managing Director kompass:grün
Consulting GmbH

Gruener-Strom employee-Nina

Nina Cernohorsky

Co-Head of Green Electricity Certification, Green Gas Certification Officer