In many places, citizens' energy cooperatives need to reposition themselves in order to remain an important part of the decentralized energy transition. New business models and cooperations will be presented at the innovation conference.
In his speech on the subject of nature-compatible energy transition, North Rhine-Westphalia's Climate and Consumer Protection Minister Johannes Remmel emphasized: "To achieve our climate protection goals, we need more renewable energies, not less. However, in the case of necessary interventions in nature and landscape, biodiversity must not be endangered. The various interests must be weighed up properly and decisions made in dialog with those affected. Those with good arguments need not shy away from the debate."
GSL Chair Rosa Hemmers opened the event together with Dr. Frank-Michael Baumann, Managing Director of EnergyAgency.NRW and Oliver Hummel, CEO of NATURSTROM AG. The three conference partners agreed that various players must cooperate with each other in order to continue the energy turnaround as a joint project of citizens, energy suppliers, companies and municipalities. Especially against the background of the changing political framework conditions, this is important.
NATURSTROM is this year's host and, as a nationwide green power supplier, has been actively promoting the expansion of renewable energies for years. "The Innovation Conference addresses topics such as citizen energy and tenant electricity, which are important for the success of the decentralized, citizen-oriented energy transition. We are therefore very pleased to host the conference and look forward to enriching discussions and exchanges with other players in the energy transition," said Oliver Hummel, CEO of NATURSTROM AG.
Press photos of the Innovation Conference can be found here.
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About Grüner Strom Label e.V.
The Grüner Strom Label e.V. certifies green energy products. The association awards two seals of approval for this purpose: the Green Electricity Label for green electricity with added value and the Green Gas Label for environmentally compatible biogas. The association is backed by seven non-profit environmental and consumer associations and peace organizations. The Green Electricity and Green Gas labels are the only quality seals for green electricity and biogas in Germany that are supported by leading environmental associations.