A new year often also means a fresh start - a chance to rethink your goals and habits. Perhaps you are one of those people who resolve to exercise more or eat healthier every year. But how about resolutions this time that are not only good for you, but also for our environment? At a time when climate change is becoming more and more noticeable, sustainable choices can make a big difference. Here are some suggestions on how you can make your everyday life more environmentally friendly in the new year - with a focus on sustainability, renewable energy, green electricity, biogas and climate protection.
1. switch electricity: opt for certified green electricity
If you are not yet using green electricity, the new year is the perfect time to switch. Green electricity comes from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power and helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Switching is often easier than you think. So that you don't lose track when comparing electricity: look out for our seal of approval when choosing your green electricity tariff. In our comparison portal vergleich-dich-gruen.de you will only find certified green electricity tariffs. They guarantee you 100 % of genuine green electricity and the expansion of renewable energies. Here are a few more useful Change tips from us.
2. heating with certified biogas: a more climate-friendly alternative
Heating and hot water account for a large proportion of an average household's energy consumption. By choosing a biogas tariff with the Grünes Gas-Label, you support the expansion of renewable energies, as a fixed amount per kilowatt hour consumed is invested in valuable renewable energies. Energy transition projects.
3. increase energy efficiency and save
Energy efficiency is the key to a more sustainable lifestyle. Perhaps you could use the new year to check your appliances: Are your fridge, stove and co energy efficient? LED lights, energy-saving refrigerators or consciously switching off stand-by appliances can make a difference. You can also save up to 6 % of energy on heating by lowering the temperature by just one degree Celsius - and reduce your heating costs at the same time. Here we have a collection of other simple but effective Energy saving tips.
4. sustainability in everyday life: small steps, big impact
Sustainability starts with small decisions. For example, you could focus more on regional and seasonal food. Transporting food over long distances leads to high CO₂ emissions, and growing food in heated greenhouses is also energy-intensive. Seasonal produce from the region is good for the environment. If you also reduce your meat consumption, you are actively contributing to climate protection, as meat production is responsible for around 14.5 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of plastic is also crucial: reusable containers, cloth bags and avoiding disposable packaging help to reduce waste. Although plastic is less CO₂-intensive than many other areas, it puts a huge strain on our ecosystems and oceans.
5. more mobility, fewer emissions
How often do you rely on your car in everyday life? Perhaps you could switch to cycling or public transport more often. Carpooling or sharing options are also good alternatives. In our podcast 'Strom Aufwärts' we have Episode 13 spoke at length about sharing concepts and the transport revolution. If a new car is on the agenda for you, an electric vehicle could be worth considering. Powered by certified green electricity, you will be making a contribution to more climate-friendly mobility.
6. CO₂ handprint: own commitment to climate protection
Sometimes it's not just the personal decisions that count, but also what you can do in your environment. By getting involved in a climate protection initiative or supporting projects that promote renewable energy, you can increase your positive impact. For example, you could invest in a solar system yourself, get involved in other community projects or join a community energy cooperative. Networks like the energy supplier Citizen works or the Citizens' Energy Alliance with the new individual advisory network ViBE offer you the opportunity to become part of the energy transition and work with others to drive forward the expansion of renewable energies.
7. conscious consumption: less is more
In the new year, you could question your consumption: do I really need a new cell phone or new clothes, or can I repair, swap or buy second-hand? Every newly produced item consumes resources and energy. By consuming less and shopping more consciously, you are helping to reduce the consumption of resources.
Conclusion: Your contribution counts!
The great thing about sustainable resolutions is that they are often not only good for the environment, but also for you personally. You can save money, live healthier and feel good about doing your bit for climate protection. It's best to start with small steps and build up gradually. Every decision, no matter how small, counts when it comes to protecting our planet. And who knows - maybe your resolutions will inspire others around you to live more sustainably too. Make the new year your year for climate protection. The future and our planet will thank you.